a future bright with new shoes, clean teeth, and gentle rocking!
Wednesday, may. 14, 2008 | 0 comments
Top three things that are making my happy even happier today:
1. My new spring-sprongy yellow slingbacks, which I purchased this Sunday in the heat of a dire wardrobe misstep (toasty combination of boots and socks and tucked-in pants) brought on by the weather, which started out cold, so cold but then traitorously transformed into a hot, sunny day? We were counties from home and had an hour to kill, so I hotfooted it into Macy’s, where I spied the lovely yellow things, which I’d been actively coveting for weeks after seeing them in action on both another Wardrobe Remixer and one of my favorite online reads. So I snapped them up and wore them the hell out of there, my boot-pruned piggies sighing happily all the way home.
2. Brushing my teeth in the shower. Go ahead! Scrub and froth with impunity! For you have no clothing to worry about tainting with those irascible white spots! Also, it’s strangely cozy?
3. Fontanelle, the new musical offering (which I happen to know features some sort of prerecorded “beats” and “loops”) from my favorite Sunny and Caroleen of Waycross, is unfurling its magicality tonight at the Hemlock in San Frisco! Come on down and sip sippables with me at the bar! I’ll be the one with the notably attractive yellow shoes, and shower-fresh teeth.
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