a random sampling
Thursday, aug. 17, 2006 | 0 comments
Today is one of those days where you look down and notice that every single thing you’re wearing is from the Gap, and suddenly your will to go on living slips by two whole notches. Yay TEAM!!!
- – - – - evany: holy how did alison get the boot??? i am seriously upset about this. [yeah, total bullshit, YEAH!]/p> – - – - –
jill: she made a terrible outfit because she had a bad luck day. but so did kayne and crazy guy. I’m bummed!
evany: yeah! but it seems like a) both crazy and kayne’s outfits were WORSE, and b) they got off because of past accomplishments and yet, baby angel alison’s past acomplishments didn’t weigh in? I felt like they made the choice for Crazy thinking it would be better tv…
jill: exactly.
jill: she is better than crazydude.
jill: I’m mad.
evany: …totally underestimating how tv-good really pretty hair can be!!!
jill: yes.
jill: people love unicorn riders.
evany: and girls with gumdrops for eyes.
jill:she’s peter pan and tinkerbell and wendy all in one.
(And that’s not all!)
Are you going to Bumbershoot? Hey, I’m going to Bumbershoot! Do you have tickets to People Talking and Singing? Hey, I have tickets to People Talking and Singing! Let’s BOTH WEAR SKIRTS!
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