christmas in san diego, again
Thursday, dec. 25, 2003 | 0 comments
As I type these words on my teensy-cute sidekick keypad, I’m on my third cup of coffee and completely high on cold medicine (somehow, before even losing the cough of my last cold, I launched in to a new, betterstrongerfaster cold? What?). The loose parrots of san diego (where I’ve been languishing almost a week now, due to a family wedding and other holiday trappings) are screeching outside my window. I also have a christmas tree strapped to my head. I’ve managed to beg off on the rubber dog nose, pleading a need for access to my actual nose for blowing, but my mother is agitating for me to just strap it to my ear instead … let’s see how long I hold out. Merry Christmas?
See you in the new year, maybe!
Oh, Christmas tree.
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