diet, vet, moral perversion
Friday, jul. 16, 2004 | 0 comments
After putting on my winter dress and experiencing a certain snugness, I’m back on the crazy “one dessert per day” diet, only this time I’ve added a new feature: No eats after 8 pm, which is surprisingly hard to stick to? But it turns out that going to bed and cuddling up to a slight hunger, versus my usual habit of balancing on the fulcrum of a loaded belly, makes for a sounder sleeping experience. And it’s nice waking up craving breakfast, which isn’t typically my way. Today I am enjoying a shredded cereal and cups of coffee — a loaded combination, like waving a fist right in the face of my ass.
Anyway, I kind of think my new diet is working! At least the dress fits again, though maybe that’s only because my body has finally adjusted to the interference from the new Pill, which seems to be, at risk of completely jinxing myself, okay? No crazies, no sore udders, and my skin is relatively clear (except for a strangely limited crop of shoulder-acne, one red bite on each side). A reserved “yay” for the new Pill!
Tonight my acne epaulets and my slenderized arms and I are going to the Pacific Film Archive in Berkeley to see Forty Guns (originally The Woman with the Whip), a “woman-centric explosion of violence, sexuality, and power” that purportedly “reeks of sexual sadism and moral perversion.” Could a more perfect film outting have been devised to celebrate Kristin Windbiglers’s birthday? If so, it may just be too good for this planet. (Reminds me, Entertainment Weekly on Sleepover: “The only thing that could redeem this sour patch of candy-coated crud would be a final shot of Earth exploding.”) Happy birthday Kristin Windbigler! Also: happy vet day, Marbles! Aw, look at her, sitting there all innocent, no idea of the prodding and goosing on her near horizon.
Marbles in the classic “loaf” pose — no arms, no arms.
(Notice that, within the confines of just one week, I have posted a photo of my cat AND a photo my computer, plus a lifted photo of a hairless gargoyle cat. Some deaths are quick, some go a little more slowly.)
Shower! Then maybe … clothes.
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