life made me this way

Thursday, oct. 26, 2006   |   0 comments

Wow another jam-packed day in my head and life! Once again I woke up at six (I don’t know who I am anymore, either) and did some freelance-type work for a few hours. Pow!

Then my mom stopped by and we went to get coffee and cheese rolls. Zlurp!

Then Marco rolled in from surfing (he left the house before six, back when it was still dark, because he is crazy that way) and we packed up the truck with guitars ‘n’ things and headed over to the Oracle OpenWorld conference where his band, The Five Hundreds played the Wrap party. The band sounded great, and I took 129 photos. Hotdogs! Bud Light!

At one point, someone in the crowd gleefully, boozily yelled out “eBusiness Suite!” As Marco at the mic said, it was probably the first and last rock show at which that particular software got a shoutout. Any software, really. Zing!

While Marco was packing up afterward, I darted up the street to the opening party for the very fancy new BellaPelle digs on Maiden Lane (BellaPelle being the place where the lovely Leisa now works, a job you may recall that I helped her get on a very intimate level). The opening party was packed with pods and pods of fantastically well-groomed people, including my dear friends Liz, Caroleen, Jeff, Cash, Sunny, Amy Silverman, and of course lovely Leisa. There was also wine galore, a gelato cart, free waxings (eyebrows only, sorry), and a beautiful new look and feel, courtesy of designer/architect/friend Jeff. There was also a person slinking around in a big foam cat head and white jumpsuit: the store’s icon, Glamourpuss. Yes that glamourpuss. Kerplunk!

Then Marco came and picked me up and four seconds later we got a ticket for driving in the bus lane on Market Street. Oof!

When we got home, I stepped up to Safeway for some necessities (half and half, aspirin, one green banana), and the sight of my banana launched the nice checkout lady into a story about her ex-husband who used to boil plantains speared with cinnamon sticks, a story infused with an unnamable yet unmistakeable meloncholy. As I gathered up my bags, she summarized her tale with a rueful laugh and this small slice of brilliance: “Life made me this way.” Yay!

And now dear Diaryland, I press the “done!” button on this entry and hit the hay with violent force. BLAM!


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