one happy, sorry, wistful sunday morning

Sunday, may. 4, 2008   |   0 comments

Things that make me happy this morning:

1. Using the very last of my less-than-optimal hair oil defrizzer, I LOVE getting to the end of any bottle (unless, of course, that bottle is a bottle of vanilla, and I’m trying to bake something that needs more). Probably it’s my internal revolt against growing up with packrats, but it gives me such great thrill of pleasure to clear out that 1.5-diameter of shelf space. Pow!

2. The perfect, miraculous ringlet that I created by doing nothing more than sleeping on my hair wet.

Thing that I am very sorry for this morning:

Waking up in a freakout at 6:30 this morning and asking Marco why he hadn’t left for work yet. Long, quite pause. And then, “Because it’s Sunday?”

I barely remember this exchange because I guess I went right back to sleep. But when I rolled out of bed two hours later, the coffee was already long-ago made, the paper in a neat stack of already-read-ness. Me: “What time did you get out of bed this morning?!” Marco: “Right about when you put the fear of work in me at 6:30.” Me: “Oh.”

Thing that make me wish I was rich this morning:

So cute! And yet so $528! DAMN YOU ORLA KIELY!!!

And now I brunch.


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