shut in

Wednesday, jan. 24, 2007   |   0 comments

I’ve been feeling officially better for about a week now, but I still celebrate each morning by coughing up something otherwordly. This sick refuses to die!

One mildly worrisome bi-product of this nasty cold is that I seem to have devolved into some kind of hermit. I think the last time I really left the house, other than dog-jaunts to Peet’s and the super Longs Superstore, was when Jill and I went to Adam and Julia’s for a group fondling of the Golden Globes. Which was like…two weeks ago? Wow. Is that possible? Oh wait, I also went to lunch with my mother and godmother yesterday (very fun). But, other than that, it’s been pretty much 24-7 Evany time. Just me and the animals and my lap-burning laptop. And a blurred series of I-give-up outfits cobbled together with layers of sleeping gear and tired gym pants. And I’ve taken to wearing Marco’s Ugg boots. Huge, man-sized Uggs, a definite step in the wrong direction.

The thing is, I don’t even want to go out, like at all. This reclusiveness has acquired a fierce momentum of its own. The more I stay in, the better staying in sounds, and each home-bound day adds another cozy layer to the cocoon.

There have been a few highlights along the way: for the first time ever, I’ve allowed myself to get sucked in to American Idol, which sure is a nice hobby for a recluse (especially if you throw in eight solid hours of peeping all the failed contestants on MySpace). And yesterday I managed to use up the last, sad dregs of a jar of peanut butter, and a jar of lingonberry jam, and a bottle of shampoo. All in one day! I so love it when I get to the bottom of things, the tinkling of my knife as it scrapples against the empty glass, the final last burps of shampoo. And then the deep satisfaction of the newly cleared shelf space! I know I’m just going to buy some other jarred thing to put in its place, but I sure do appreciate those open spaces while they last.

I guess it’s probably a good thing that I’ve got a walking date set up for today. And a pie date tomorrow. And a dog show lined up for Sunday. I wonder if I still remember how to converse with real, live peoples. How close are you allowed to stand, again? And how about cupping? Is cupping still allowed?


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