sleep book a go!
Tuesday, apr. 11, 2006 | 0 comments
Today is the best day: My book, The Secret Language of Sleep, a Couple’s Guide to the Thirty-Nine Positions is now officially available for purchase! It’s at the McSweeney’s (online) Store for a specially discounted, one-week-only price of $12 (it’ll be $15 starting next week), and sure it’s at Amazon, plus I heard it through the gossip-vine that Jim found it at Booksmith in San Francisco, and Inger found it at Green Apple, which means that it might just be in your local independent bookery, too. (!!!)
Meanwhile and elsewhere: my Sleep Advice Column has made its debut over at, and one of the hot topics I cover is the whole debate over the official number of positions, which really does seem to throw people: the New York Post claims there are thirty-eight poses, while V Magazine says there’s just twenty-nine (the short piece they did on the book’s not online, but I put some choice pulls on the press page). But, just to be clear: as it says in and on my Couple’s Guide to the Thirty-Nine Positions, the true number of acknowledged poses is 39.
All in all, these are good and exciting times here at Camp Evany. If my heart were an emoticon (and it probably is), it would be one hundred smilies, font size 24!

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