the technorati twostep

Thursday, oct. 26, 2006   |   0 comments

I’m a little bit of a picker. I can never leave a zit alone, and if I get a sunburn, I delight in peeling off the dead skin. And ever since I’ve been using Technorati, I’ve been reloading my Home page like ten times a day. Maybe fifteen? Just to see if any of my twenty-plus favorite diaries have updated. Or to check if anyone has maybe linked to my sleeptest, which now has an insane 5,630 (suddenly the number’s dropped to 1,301, maybe because Technorati only charts links from the last six months?) links — almost all of them people who have taken the test and posted their results. And there’s still maybe five, ten new people posting new results each day, which seems so amazing to me.

Anyway now Technorati has knighted me as one of their featured Favorites members, so if you hit reload again and again and again and again and again and again, you might just see my shining face.

Marco rocks the fresh Technorati top.


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