crazy talk, crazy times

Saturday, feb. 28, 2004   |   0 comments

crazy: Is that train going to Stonestown?
me: No, you want the M.
crazy: Is that the M?
me: No.
crazy: Is this where I stand?
me: Yes.
crazy: Can I sit with you while I wait?
me: Um, okay.
crazy: [Sits down, turns to show me his head.] Do I need a hair cut?
me: No, it looks pretty good.
crazy: What?
me: It looks good. Your hair looks good.
crazy: Okay. Are you married?
me: No.
crazy: Are you single?
me: Um, no?
crazy: Are there pretty girls anywhere?
me: Sure!
crazy: Where?
me: Oh … all around.
crazy: My name is Tom. [Tom grabs my right hand with his left, paw-shake style.]
me: Hi, Tom.
tom: What’s today’s date?
me: Um, the tenth. I think.
tom: What time is it?
me: I’m not sure.
tom: My name is Tom. [Shake.]
me: Nice to meet you, Tom.
tom: Is that my train?
me: No, you want the M.
tom: Is this where I stand?
me: Yes.
tom: Do I need a haircut?
me: [Haha] No!
tom: Is my hair very long? Or very short?
me: Very short.
tom: Are you married?
[et cetera.]

- – - – - – - /P>

Yesterday afternoon I got a call from the HR lady, who was very sorry to have to tell me that they won’t be needing me to come into work next week after all (my last day was supposed to be March 5). So I spent the rest of the day frantically packing and backing things up and resume-ing. I also booked tickets to Austin for SXSW (C U THERE!) and ordered some spectacularly awkward and clip-arty business cards from (1000 for $18.99! That’s almost prohibitively cheap, like the food at Taco Bell). And then Maggie and I went out and tied one on. Tight!

– - – - – - –

Things are really weird right now, have you noticed? Just … totally extreme. Amazing, happy things are happening to the people I know and love, and terrible and dark and heaving and hard things, too. Flux! Change! My favorites.


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