
Monday, dec. 5, 2005   |   0 comments

Overheard on opening day at H&M:

“This is the best day of my life!”
“I don’t know what to do or where to start!”
“I think I have to get back in line.”

(The last utterance coming directly from my salivating mouth: I tried to leave after I bought my red Stella horse dangler and a blue silk and wool Stella scarf, I really did. But just as I was walking out I was waylaid by an orange-and-yellow polka dot tank and a red, white, and blue retro-positive skirt with pockets, so clearly I had no choice but to leap back in line for a second round of feverish purchasing. And all to the tune of Madness’s “One Step Beyond” and similarly formative songs, which an on-site DJ churned out at organ-damanging levels. PS: I have already been back. Twice. H&M, H&M, H&M! PPS: What’s the best way to irkify a New Yorker? Ask them for directions to “H&M bagels.”)

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Last week I went to Dona Tomas‘s for my friend Anne’s birthday and had two-point-five margaritas with dinner. And spent the entirety of the next day? Hurling. For eight hours! Wednesday, November 30, 2005: The day I turned old and weak.

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More typing samples: the latest Desperate Housewives recap and my 2005 wishlist for Webmonkey.


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