meanwhere and elsewhile
Thursday, jan. 18, 2007 | 0 comments
New Desperate Housewives recap up at Television Without Pity (disclaimer: this is probably the most boring recap ever written, thanks to last week’s cold, which completely shattered my funny bone), also I updated my crafty pages with some more photos of the crochet Christmas trees. Also I’ve been doing some fun (for me at least) buy-buy guest posting over at Mighty Goods. Go check yourself! Before you wet yourself.
And then just now on IM:
Me: I just posted a smackdown on the Housewives boards for people using acronyms.
Me: OTP??
Me: Short for “one true pairing”?
Jill: What?
Me: That makes me want to stab my brains out.
Jill: OMG!
And finally: Is it true? Is it possible that I really am still coughing and hacking and sleeping the sleep of the reluctant dead, even though it’s a full two weeks since I first contracted this devillness? Apparently it very much is true. And now little sad Marco has the plague, too. And both the dog and cat are in a barfing rut? Our house is a barrel of fun these days — just a herd of animals snorting and snuffling and hacking and vaguely trying not to bump into each other.
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