perfect bag update!
Monday, sep. 19, 2005 | 0 comments
Remember how I searched and searched with much frustration and perhaps a slightly unhealthy obsession for a bag to replace THE perfect bag?
The Perfect bag, which I used and rerepaired with my hamfisted stitching until it was way past its prime, velveteen-rabbit style.
Well these past months Cinnamon Cooper, of Poise fame, has been working so incredibly, amazingly hard on a new, improved RED perfect bag for me! She’s been busy tracking down the perfect fabric (mailing me samples, exchanging detailed emails with me, explaining all the pros and cons), deconstructing the old bag and then making lists and diagrams, then trial-and-erroring all the various pockets and zippers and slots until they’re neigh perfect. To see what she’s done so far, just take a look at her lovingly documented documentation.
I can not tell you how impressed I am with the work she’s done so far, both its thoroughness and it’s sheer EFFORT, wow: I always suspected that this was a complicated project, but holy crazy, it is positively boggling how much thought and energy something like this takes. I feel guilty having sicced her on it! Guilty, and very, very grateful. And a little too excited about the finished project that ever nearer and nearer? Hee! Hee! Hee!
And you should really be almost as excited as I am, because once she masters out all the kinks, using her incredible tenacity and talent, the bag will be for sale on her site for any one of you to buy. I intend to get two. No three! Four?
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