playboy oh boy
Wednesday, jul. 26, 2006 | 0 comments
On Thursday Playboy Radio had me on as a guest s(leep)expert during their Afternoon Advice show with Tiffany Granath. Since the station is subscriber-only, I didn’t actually get the chance to listen to the show until I dialed in at the appointed hour and, while on hold waiting to be patched through to the live show, I heard Tiffany fielding calls from eager callers living across this great land. Wow. I’m not entirely sure why I was surprised, because really, what was I expecting? And yet my ears kind of boggled when I heard the Southern gentleman gloating about the “fuck machine” he built out in his shed. You know, because he and his girlfriend, they like three-ways? And yet aren’t always able to line up a humanoid third? Annnnnnd “Up next it’s EVANY THOMAS, author of The Secret Language of Sleep!” Oh man, here we go!
All in all, I was on the air for about forty minutes, helping Tiffany answer questions from callers. (CRAZY!!!) Did you know that many, many American men suffer from the problem of waking up from a deep sleep to discover themselves either having sex with or receiving orals from their lady friends? It is an epidemic, I fear. At least among 90% of the Playboy callers. HIGHLIGHT: Tiffany: “You know sometimes I dream about having an orgasm, and it feels pretty real, and very, very sexy. How about you, Evany Thomas, author of A Secret Language of Sleep, does that ever happen to you?” Evany: “Oh, sure.” Evany (inside): Wait what? What did I just say? Oh thank 7-11 my father doesn’t subscribe to Playboy Radio…OR DOES HE???
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